Measure Performance for Safety and Health Management Systems

Sentinels of Safety

SHMS Component

Desert Saber PPE Component

1. Leadership

Measure soft skills related to leadership and assess changes over time

2. Responsibility and accountability

Measure personal accountability, assess performance, identify positive and negative reinforcements, assess target performance for each person, conduct reviews for shifts, weeks, months, quarters, years

3 .Management systems coordination

Link assessments with rest of SHMS

4. Fatality prevention/risk management

Assess personal and pre-task risk, systematic job and task risk, formal, process and equipment risk for high frequency/low severity and low frequency/high severity work activities; test whether controls are working as planned; verify all employees are trained and competent; use for non-routine activities; maintain hazard recognition procedures

5. Training and competence

Discretionary, compliance, and task training, periodic refreshers to ensure knowledge retention, site-based safety orientation for visitors and new employees; metrics for percentage of workers competent for their job

6. Emergency management

Use prior to conducting a field exercise; test existing response plans; conduct with team; conduct training more frequently at lower cost

7. Culture enhancement

Compare behaviors from games to survey data; measure changes from game play that relate to culture (conversations about safety)

8. Collaboration and communication

Let safety and health committees have input into customization of games and their data

9. Reinforcement and recognition

Link reinforcement and recognition to behavior optimization - leaderboards

10. Resources and planning

Use as part of employee assimilation process to integrate new employees; pre-employment screening; particularly with Predictive Index profile

11. Change management

Test compliance and understanding of change management systems; integrate game results with change management as part of continuous feedback

12. Work procedures and permits

Evaluate compliance with SOPs, test compliance for high risk work

13. Occupational health

Link to wellness education by showing health outcomes in the games

14. Incident reporting and investigation

Capture lessons learned from near misses and accidents and teach root cause analysis with accident simulations

15. Behavior optimization

Assess workers for at risk behaviors and provide feedback and training to improve; use as part of an observation and feedback program

16. Safety and health management assurance

Training is compliant with MSHA/OSHA

17. Assurance

Use data as part of internal/external audits as leading indicators

18. Documentation and information management

Store data on company servers in a readable, accessible reporting format